Nancy Roblewsky
May 4, 2020

Is My Website Targeting The Best Prospects?

We’ve built websites for all types and sizes of businesses and have found that too many owners do not give enough thought as to WHO their website targets.  At the beginning of the design process, we ask all sorts of questions and many do not understand WHY we ask so many questions.

To them, their website is merely a vehicle for displaying their products and services but to us, it’s more complex.  We are striving to build the most effective website and that can’t happen unless we’re targeting the best prospects for your business. After all, what good is your website if it’s not reaching the right demographic?

Who are your customers?

Start by making a list. The more detailed, the better.  Are they homeowners?  Where are they located?  What age are they?  These answers give us valuable insight, which helps us determine a color scheme and general look that appeals to your core demographic. 

Make a 2nd list of your best-selling products/services and money makers, which are not always the same.  Likewise, you may have services or products you don’t want to promote because they don’t make much money or booked up without doing any promotion.  Knowing the answers to these questions help us decide what content to include and how to display it most effectively.

Are you missing opportunities?

Maybe you’ve over-looked a community, or you find that your biggest money maker isn’t all that popular.  The reason for these ‘holes’ is that your website may not be giving that item much exposure or not presenting it in an appealing way.

Evaluate your sales funnel

We ask so many questions because we want business owners to think about their sales funnel.  For example, what service or product brings in the majority of new customers?  What specific item is a favorite among your customers? 

If you aren’t keeping track of that sort of thing, you should start as you’ll usually see patterns emerge.   Once you better understand the process of how you acquire prospects, you can make changes to better attract them and eventually contact you. 

Customer Acquisition

Acquiring new customers can be thought of as a journey in which all parts are equally important.  You can’t reach your destination without completing all the mini-milestones between the starting point and the end. 

Your website is a crucial (if not the main) component in the customer acquisition process, which is why it’s worthy of a substantial investment of your time and money.   It’s certainly more deserving than a few hastily written notes and brief meeting.

All I’m saying is you can’t expect your website to perform well when you haven’t put forth any effort or invested adequate resources.  If you want your website to deliver, then do your homework and the best starting point is making sure it’s targeting the best prospects for your business.

Published: May 4, 2020 • Last Updated: May 4, 2020