Nancy Roblewsky
January 1, 2018

How does your website compare to your competition?

Maybe the question I should be asking is this: Have you even looked at your competitors’ websites?  As I talk with business owners, I’m often surprised how many of them have never looked at the websites of their competition. 

Check out other websites

As important as your online presence is today, it amazes me when a business owner is not aware of their competitors’ websites.  In no way am I suggesting you need to check them out every week though you should review them from time to time.

Why should you spend time looking at their sites?  Because you both are targeting the same pool of potential customers who are comparing websites to see which business they should contact to solve their problem.  We all know most people visit several websites and compare them as they look for products and services online.

People judge a book by it’s cover

Put yourself in the place of a potential customer and compare your website with all of your competitors’ sites.  Be honest-who would you call?  Remember, these people will judge the quality of your products and services based only on your website.  Are you comfortable with that?

If doesn’t matter if it’s not an accurate picture, it’s all they have.  I have personally heard many business owners state they have lost business to their competitors because their website made them look more professional and trustworthy even though the business had a reputation for not standing behind their work.

What does your website say about you?

Who’s fault is that?  You can’t blame the consumer for this one.  It’s up to each business owner to make the decision to invest in their website.  A smart business owner would never show up to an appointment in a wrinkled shirt and dirty pants or hand out a paper with their contact information written in pencil (as opposed to a printed business card).

You shouldn’t have a website that presents a bad image either so don’t let your competitors get the edge on you.  Make sure your website accurately portrays the high quality of your business so it attracts potential customers rather than driving them to your competition.

Published: January 1, 2018 • Last Updated: March 11, 2020